5 risultati

Vernacular Aristotelianism
Persio Antonio
Manoscritto | Contiene l'opera aristotelica: Sul sentire et conoscere dei morti
Vernacular Aristotelianism
Persio Antonio
Opera aristotelica | The work, dedicated to Francesco Sansovino (1521-1583) collects several philosophers' opinion on the power the dead have in understanding what happens among the living. The first paragraph is devoted to Aristotle (f. 47r-v). Following paragraphs: 'Platone...
Vernacular Aristotelianism
Sansovino Francesco
Opera aristotelica | The work, offered by Francesco Sansovino to Pandolfo Attavanti, is presented as a translation of Aristotle's On the Soul, but it is rather a compendium of Aristotelian psychology. The name of the translator is not explicitly mentioned, though the work is ...
Vernacular Aristotelianism
Sansovino Francesco
Edizione a stampa | Venice, Imperatore Bartolomeo, 1551
Vernacular Aristotelianism