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Vernacular Aristotelianism in Renaissance Italy
Tipo risorsa
Opera aristotelica
Cavalcanti Giovanni
Trattato politico-morale
The treatise — dedicated to Neri di Gino Capponi — is divided in three books, respectively dealing with the government of oneself, the government of the family and the government of the civitas (whereas books I and II systematically draw on Aristotle's Ethics and Politics, book III mainly concerns the history of Florence). Grendler 1973 just edited the third book. The BNC manuscript is a complete and very beautifully written copy of the text; the Riccardiana manuscript is made up of two different versions of the treatise, both incomplete (the second one includes several marginal and interlinear corrections). The case is worth studying in order to make the relations among the three manuscripts clearer. Cavalcanti is quite well known for his relationship with Gino Capponi as well as for his Historie fiorentine, but scholars — with the exception of Grendler — did not pay much attention to the treatise which still lacks in a modern critical edition.
  • [Autore] Cavalcanti Giovanni
  • [Dedicatario] Capponi Neri di Gino

Data indicizzazione: 29 settembre 2020